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I need more than translation


​Translation + Branding + Design

We are a convenient one-stop destination for all your publishing needs.    

Ru Communications LLC

In the US and in Japan, our writers are at the forefront of the Japanese publishing industry.

Ru Communications LLC

We not only do website translations; we also provide website design; and website data input – one-stop-service.

Ru Communications LLC

Creative ads for traditional media such as newspapers and magazines to digital online content.

Experience the Power of  TransCreation

TransCreatinon Introduction 「Evolve」(Japanese Ver. 20 sec.)  English

Japanese Translation & AD Agency

Ru Communications LLC

​​Contact us


  • Japanese editor/writer: At least 3 years of experience in the publishing industry

  • Translator: 5+ years in experience

  • Intern: Someone who wants to learn editing and translation work

© 2016 Ru Communications LLC

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